The Burn Your Mortgage Podcast: How a Financial Planner Can Help You Be a Smarter Real Estate Investor with Jason Heath of Objective Financial Partners
In my interview with Jason, we discuss how rental real estate is taxed, whether you should hold rental real estate in a corporation and how a financial planner can help you evaluate real estate decisions.
Properly Review: the Stress-Free Way to Sell Your Home
Properly is an institutional buyer, or iBuyer for short, that specializes in buying homes directly from consumers. iBuying is a relatively new concept to Canada, however, it’s a proven concept that has been around in the U.S. since 2015 and is shaking up the real estate market there.
The Burn Your Mortgage Podcast: Everything You Wanted to Know About Home Inspections with Michael Schmidt of HouseMaster
In my interview with Michael, we discuss the major benefits of getting a home inspection, the risks of skipping a home inspection and some important questions to ask when you’re looking to hire a good home inspector.
The Burn Your Mortgage Podcast – Women in Real Estate: Financial Lessons Learned from Buying a Home at Age 20 with Starr Watson
In my interview with Starr, we discuss first-time homebuyer mistakes to avoid, choosing your real estate dream team and protecting your home in divorce.
The Burn Your Mortgage Podcast: Shared-Equity Mortgages and the First-Time Home Buyer Incentive with Heather Tremain of Options for Homes
In my interview with Heather, we discuss what is a shared-equity mortgage and how does it differ from a traditional mortgage, pros and cons of the First-Time Home Buyer Incentive and whether it will help homebuyers in Toronto and Vancouver.
The Burn Your Mortgage Podcast: How the Federal Parties’ Housing Plans Stack Up with Ian Lee
In my interview with Ian, we discuss the housing plans of the Conservatives, Liberals and NDP in the 2019 federal election. Topics include the 30 year amortization, mortgage stress test, First-Time Home Buyer Incentive and foreign buyers’ tax.
The Joys of Homeownership: Repairing My Garage Door
I’m probably jinxing it by saying this, but this year has been pretty quiet home repair wise. I haven’t had to do anything major like replace my dishwasher or repair my roof. The worst thing that’s happened this year is the clothes dryer stopped working. (I unplugged it to let it cool down, plugged it back in and it worked good as new!) So when I came home one night to find the garage door broken, I thought, boy, this is it!
The Burn Your Mortgage Podcast: The Journey from Renter to Homeowner with Janine Rogan
In my interview with Janine, we discuss preparing ahead of time to buy a home, planning for a move and what it’s like going from being a renter to a homeowner.
The Burn Your Mortgage Podcast: Budgeting Hacks to Burn Your Mortgage Sooner with Gordon Stein
In my interview with Gordon, we discuss simple ways to save on the ongoing expenses of homeownership, factors to consider (besides just the rate) when shopping for a mortgage and good DIY home repairs to tackle on your own (and when to call in the pros).
Celebrating 50 Episodes of the Burn Your Mortgage Podcast
When I started the Burn Your Mortgage Podcast a little over a year ago I didn’t know what to expect. Launching my own podcast is something that I’ve always wanted to do and I’m thrilled to say it’s been a blast! I’ve had the pleasure of interviewing so many bright, interesting individuals in the realm of real estate and personal finance. I’ve learned so much and I hope you have, too!