The Burn Your Mortgage Podcast: How to Retire in Your Mid 30’s Through Real Estate Investing with Sarah Larbi

In my interview with Sarah, we discuss how she was able to retire from her 9-5 job 30 years early, the importance of “key power team members” and how advanceable mortgages can help you grow your real estate portfolio.

The Burn Your Mortgage Podcast: Having a Home Maintenance Fund Can Be a Life Saver with Stephanie Jourdier

In 2020 she and her husband took the plunge and bought a house in Canada in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic. They called on my services to help them get a mortgage and were able to savour the joys and surprises of homeownership.

The Build Wealth Canada Podcast: Real Estate Update For Canadians

In this episode, I will explain the real estate situation here in Canada so that you can stay informed on how real estate has been affected in these COVID times, whether you’re an existing home-owner that is concerned about the value of their home dropping due to COVID, or whether you are a renter looking to potentially buy in the future.

The Burn Your Mortgage Podcast: The (Almost) Empty Nest – Renovate or Move with Robin Taub

In my interview with Robin, we discuss some of the issues to consider when deciding to renovate or move, what COVID-19 may mean for the future of housing and personal finance as it relates to affordability.

The Burn Your Mortgage Podcast: Everything You Wanted to Know About the Co-Ownership of Real Estate with Lesli Gaynor

In my interview with Lesli, we discuss why someone might consider the co-ownership of real estate, how came to be and the life-changing benefits of co-ownership.

The Burn Your Mortgage Podcast: The Growing Appeal of Online Housing Auctions with Katie Steinfeld of On The Block Realty

In my interview with Katie, we discuss the pros and cons of buying and selling a home the traditional way, the benefits of buying and selling through the auction process and how the real estate industry is going to be modernized in the coming years.

The Build Wealth Canada Podcast – Your Mortgage Update: What’s Changed with COVID-19?

We’re going to focus on mortgages, the drastic changes in the interest rate that we’ve seen (which can of course heavily impact your mortgage payments and decisions), what’s happening right now as far as the real estate market is concerned, and if you can take advantage of these lower interest rates by renewing your mortgage.

The Burn Your Mortgage Podcast: Buying and Selling a Home during COVID-19 with Jas Takhar

In my interview with Jas, we discuss how Coronavirus is affecting the real estate market, steps realtors are taking to protect home buyers and sellers and how homebuyers can still views properties if they aren’t comfortable seeing them in person.

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