The Build Wealth Canada Podcast: Rising Interest Rates, New Mortgage Rules, and Variable vs Fixed Mortgages in Canada for 2023

With the significant increase in interest rates over the past year, and with home buying and selling season right around the corner, I thought it would be great to go over the implications of this higher interest rate environment that we’re in.

The Build Wealth Canada Podcast: Rising Mortgage Interest Rates & Real Estate Update

With fixed mortgage rates finally beginning to increase in Canada, many Canadians are wondering whether they should be locking in their mortgage rate in case interest rates continue to climb.

The Build Wealth Canada Podcast: Real Estate Update For Canadians

In this episode, I will explain the real estate situation here in Canada so that you can stay informed on how real estate has been affected in these COVID times, whether you’re an existing home-owner that is concerned about the value of their home dropping due to COVID, or whether you are a renter looking to potentially buy in the future.

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