The Burn Your Mortgage Podcast: Making Smarter Money Choices with Better Financial Literacy with Alfred Yang of

Alfred Yang is the creator of , an online service that Canadians use to plan finances for post-secondary education. Alfred wants to spread personal finance awareness starting with an area that impacts at least one in three Canadians – financial planning for post-secondary education. Families often feel overwhelmed when presented with the ever increasing cost of post-secondary education.

The Burn Your Mortgage Podcast: How to Buy 10 Homes in Toronto with Sahil Jaggi

Sahil Jaggi is a Toronto-based realtor, homeowner, real estate investor and landlord. Sahil shared his story with Toronto Life magazine and it went viral. At 32 years old he owns 10 homes in Toronto and he did it without any direct help from his parents.

The Burn Your Mortgage Podcast – Women in Real Estate: The Ins and Outs of Student Rentals with Michelle Hung

In my interview with Michelle, we discuss the ins and outs of student rentals, being a landlord and investing in real estate versus the stock market.